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Soccer, the religion of Portugal

After the European Football Cup, where France lost against Portugal, I was keeping a low profile in what concerns soccer. But since I arrived in Lisbon, I have to admit that I don't have other choice than facing soccer discussions and news every days.

Between teachers, students, locals, flatmates and so on, it is all about soccer. Soccer is an event to gather people together despite their differences in society. In Portugal, football player are really affected by the Portuguese citizens ; statues, avenues, national days, even the honors could be handed to them. Personally, I am not really a supporter of Christiano Ronaldo. Except that in Portugal this player is almost their own god. So, let me tell you about the soccer's place in the Lisbon's culture. In fact there are two main teams in Lisbon : Benfica and Sporting. One is red the other is green (so do not get confused with the colors of each teams, wearing green instead of red, as me...). These two teams are fighting each other since ever. Everybody needs to choose. Even a new born child is already supporting one team.

This time I decided to go and see with my own eyes this passion that Portuguese maintain. This is really different from our country. Indeed I already had the chance to see few matchs in a stadium and I would say that in the Benfica's stadium you feel the powerful emotion. Actually, for me it was definitely too much... Indeed, every time that Benfica scored a goal, in each part of the stadium you could see about twenty flags and a loud song saying "popolopopopo po popolopopopo". It was really strange for me because even the football players stopped, waiting until the song was over.

However, the vibe throughout the stadium is unique. This is also the opportunity for Erasmus to fit in the Portuguese ambience. By way of conclusion you won't be able to leave Portugal without experience a soccer match.

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