I thought that you might be interested in my courses choices for my second semester, so at the end you can have a overview of my academic year.
I am doing photography as a non-professional and I always wanted to understand better the techniques of photography by having a class on this subject. I was lucky to find a course called Photography and Advertising which linked my wishes and my schooling. As you can suppose when you read the name of the course : it mixes creativity and photography. Right now, I am working on a lipstick project where we have to imagine a print for magazines with a lipstick. I am really passionate about it. Moreover it obliges me to learn more about photoshop. The real positive point is that IADE has an whole basement consecrated to photography with studios.

In order to complete my photography and advertising class, I decided to join the class of History and advertising critics so it can help to analyse the reasons of a campaign's failure or success. It will certainly serve me in my professional future, so I will not repeat the same mistakes.
Then I chose a course of Business Management. This choice is a reasonable one, as next year I would like to enter a Business school in France, I thought it could be an advantage to have knowledge. The main subject is how to manage teams in a company, what are the different kinds of company organization (taking in consideration the size of each firms).
Still in a marketing line, I added on my schedule Marketing Strategy. This is a practical class in the sense that we are inventing a business concept and we are trying to understand the needs of consumers, the target group, weight up the number of consumer that we will reach...etc. The teacher is from Germany, so he explains well in English the lesson.
The two last courses that I selected are : Art and culture and Communication agency, advertising and media.