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One year in Lisbon : pros and cons

Writing this article makes me nostalgic and sad even if I have still 3 months left before ending my Erasmus. So, rather than having blues let me sum up my experience in Lisbon, hoping that it will sweep your doubts along.


- the creativity at the heart of my studies

In Paris Descartes I understood that I am a creative person : I need challenges, a lot of different projects and subjects, searching ideas, making movies, drawings, advertising campaigns... And IADE is THE university of creativity of Lisbon. It is recognized for its creative teaching and considered for its field : design, advertising and photography. Every course is interesting and passionating. It was also a really good opportunity for me to meet future designer, marketing manager, advertiser, so I can experience a bit how would be my future team work. IADE has the tools to emphasize your creativity by the materials it has : Mac rooms, photo studios, cameras, design areas and so on. And this is exactly what I expected ! Moreover, Lisbon is promoting itself as a creative city by organizing creative challenge such as D&AD New Blood Competition, or international conferences like the Web Summit 2016.

- better, faster, stronger English

Even if Lisbon is not an English speaking city, people are able to understand you and to communicate (basic conversation) with you. But I know that I improved my English thanks to the students from all over the world that I met. Indeed, the all first semester, I just avoided French people because my first objective was to get more vocabulary and be more fluent in English. English is the student language here and you will see that speaking English everyday helps you to think in English and be more comfortable in oral conversation in work or in personal life. I have to admit that now when I meet a French tourist or student, I have difficulties to switch in French, because I am used to speak only English in Lisbon. Now that I am preparing some competitive exams for the Business School in France, I know that the English test won't be an issue for me anymore.

- open-minded and more flexible

This year abroad changed my behavior and my personality. First of all, you meet students from all over the world and of different ages. You learn everyday about other cultures. Now I need to make a round-the-world trip to see again my friends, what a great excuse to travel more and more !! Sometimes I am just sitting with my classmates and I am thinking "Waouh, I am with a Spanish, a Russian, an American, a German, an Italian... If politics had the same atmosphere as our relationship, the world would be wonderful". Indeed, you hear a lot from the news channel about the different conflicts or events that happened all over the world. Here I can ask questions about it to the citizen and inhabitants of these counties (as they are asking me a lot about the terrorist attacks) to understand better their history but also to get the truth.

Furthermore, I am in a sharing flat and I never experienced it before. I can assure you that it is a great experience. Even if you like your cocoon space and your independence, in a sharing apartment you have to keep it cool, relax and learn community life. Sometimes I just surprise myself being just simple and easy going with my flatmate. Now I can make comprise and I constantly learn about the other and myself. Even if some moments are difficult, your flatmates are kind of your new family : an open-minded and international family !

- less pressure and more safety

Lisbon is a south city. Indeed it has all the cliches : an easy going city, everybody is late, welcoming inhabitants and so on. Lisbon in this case is so different from Paris. First of all it is much more smaller, and you can breathe easily compared to Paris where everybody jostles each other. Teacher want you to make comfortable with your new life in Lisbon and in IADE, so they are always finding the best solutions for us to relax and study well without pressure. Moreover, after all the events that happened in Paris the two last years, you will appreciate Portugal and Lisbon for its safety. You can walk during the middle of the night, nothing bad will happen to you. So if your parents are afraid that you will probably leave the comfort zone, rassure them, Portugal is the 5th safest country in the world !!

- autonomy and responsibility

I left my parents home when I was 18 years old to go to Paris for my studies. And now again I earned more autonomy and responsibility. You will be on your own here so I advice you to stay organized so you will not have troubles ! If it is your first experience fare away from your home and your habits then you will learn a lot and change a lot as well.

- the good weather

No words to explain it. The weather is amazing.


- classes more or less in English

This is a bit contradictory from what I said above I know. In fact, I improved my English but not as much as I wanted and I guess this is because of the classes that are no always in English, for example I met some teachers that had the same level of English as me, but some have a really bad and poor level... so be careful with this and take some Portuguese courses before coming in Lisbon, it could help !!

- difficulties to manage from Lisbon your registration from a master in France or in an other university

When you are in an host country you have to manage your daily life but also your homework and the work of your home university. Plus, your future comes and be added to your program. It is difficult when you are not in France to handle the administrative part of your registration. But what is really annoying is that for some schools you need to come back to France to pass an exam and do your oral part. So keep in mind this part and try to see with these school if you can find an agreement otherwise you should book tickets in advance !

- bad organisation of the international service in IADE

It is really difficult to describe well the organization of IADE. When I arrived I was disoriented, because Erasmus students are not really welcomed and followed. The girl that is responsible for us is always super busy and never has time for us. At the beginning of the year since so many Erasmus Students were lost and wanted to ask her questions, she decided to close her office and receive students only between 12 am and 2 pm...

If I have to summarize my Erasmus in three words I would say : amazing, rewarding and to do again !!

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