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The famous... PAISTEIS DE NATA !

If you never heard about it, this article will make your mouth water for sure ! The pasteis de nata are the most famous pastries of Portugal. Every single corner you will be able to find a pastelaria (kind of bakery but only with sweet cakes).

It is a sort of flan but a bit more creamy inside. Sometimes warm, you can eat them at any time of the day, but it is better for breakfast, advice from a food lover !

Lots of legends exist about the pasteis de nata, how was it invented ? Well, gossips tell that long time ago, people were used to wash their clothes with the egg white. Because of this technique, they had a surplus of egg yolk, so they decided to make something from the leftovers and this is how pasteis de nata appear ! But, the truth is that no one knows the real and original recipe...

More or less, all the pastelaria are really good in cooking pasties de nata but some are unavoidable, such as : the Pasteis de Belem, created in 1837, the building is amazing and full of azujelos, you can even see, through a window, people cooking and preparing thousands of pasteis for the touristic crowd ! Don't worry this is not necessary to go as far as Belem to find good pastry. Indeed next to the metro station Restauradores you will find a really good place to savor pasteis de nata, the bakery is called : Fábrica da Nata.

Few weeks ago, I discovered the winner of the competition of the best pasteis de nata in 2012, 2013 and 2015 : Aloma Pastelaria. I am a bit ashamed of me because this location is few buildings next to mine, it was right before my eyes waiting for my visit...

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